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English-Hindi > stevenson screen

stevenson screen meaning in Hindi

stevenson screen sentence in Hindi
1.Firstly, the Stevenson screen is an instrument designed by Kidnapped ".

2.Other elements include a concrete sundial stand to the west of the Stevenson Screen.

3.Entry to the site is marked by a miniature Stevenson screen serving as a letterbox.

4.On land, temperature sensors are kept in a Stevenson screen or a national meteorological services.

5.He designed the Stevenson screen as a shelter to shield meteorological instruments, and this has been widely adopted.

6.That's why the Stevenson screen has slats all round it to let the wind blow through the box.

7.This included a Stevenson screen, office guttering, a HF radio antennae, signal processor, and satellite receiver.

8.In 1874 1875, he and a friend went on a round-trip voyage to Australia on Stevenson screen for meteorological instruments.

9.However, the deep earth temperature pits and the Stevenson screen which sheltered instruments from direct sunlight, wind and rain, remain in situ.

10.Many of the stations are equipped with a Stevenson screen and Snowdon Raingauge, while some include Campbell Stokes recorder for measuring sunshine and an Anemometer.

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How to say stevenson screen in Hindi and what is the meaning of stevenson screen in Hindi? stevenson screen Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.